Pride, precision and efficiency have been cornerstones in our commitment to quality and a job well done for our valued customers.

Our state-of-the-art facility is one of a kind in the Ottawa-Carleton region, employing the very latest innovations in stone fabrication technology that enable the most minimal effect on the environment.
With our state-of-the-art closed-loop water reclamation and filtration processes, Vesta has achieved a dual goal: by minimizing the formidable amount of freshwater needed for automated cutting and machining of granite, marble, quartz and other stones, Vesta has dramatically reduced the associated cost component in its automated manufacturing process. In tandem with water re-use Vesta recycles scrap stone material to reduce the waste produced during fabrication. Large tippable bins on the factory floor are used to collect offcuts and cutouts during the process. A forklift lifts the full bin onto a truck for delivery to makers of concrete aggregate. Vesta does not waste any material in the fabrication process.
From start to finish, the fabrication process is something you can see firsthand in our facility. The pride we take in craftsmanship has made us one of the premier stone companies in Canada.
Vesta was awarded the Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation – CIPEC leader award. The Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation (CIPEC) is an Industry-Government partnership established to improve Canada’s industrial energy efficiency. The Leadership Award is to honor innovative Canadian companies that have demonstrated a significant and innovative contribution to energy efficiency.
Interested in sitting down with one of our designers? Let us provide you with a tour of our showroom and a no-obligation consultation.
We make it here
It starts with an obsession for the best materials. It’s skill and precision, a disciplined focus on craftsmanship, and an unwavering attention to detail. Designed, built, and installed by us in Ottawa, Canada.